Ohu Maatu 2020 - Important notice

Posted by on 19 March 2020

E te whānau – Tēnā koutou

The health and well-being of our whānau is of utmost importance.

After a lot of consideration about the current situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) and thinking about our wider community as well as the potential health and wellbeing risks of running an event in our town Motueka, the Trustees have decided to take a responsible lead and postpone this year’s Annual General Meeting scheduled for 25 April 2020 as well as fully cancel our Ohu Maatu celebrations for that same weekend.

The Board haven’t taken this decision lightly, but a pragmatic decision has been made nonetheless, noting that this will be the first time in 27 years that the Annual General Meeting has been postponed.

We are currently unable to provide a new date for when the Annual General Meeting will be held, this will depend ultimately on the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

We will still provide access to the 2019 Annual Report once it is finailised later this month.

Once a new date is confirmed, we will pānui this information out to you.

If you have any questions about the annual general meeting, please contact the office directly either via email info@nrait.co.nz or via phone 03 548 0770.

As I write this today, I want to emphasise the importance of the global issue, but also offer a sense of unwavering optimism for the future. How we each respond at a time like this is a reflection of who we are and what we stand for.

Noho ora mai

Rōpata Taylor
