Trust Deed Amendments

Below are the results on the changes to the Trust Deed voted on at the AGM/SGM held on 27 April 2024:

Resolution 1 – Amendments relating to Maoritanga and tikanga Māori – passed by majority - 98% Ae
Resolution 2 – Amendments relation to Trustee duties – passed unanimously – 100% Ae
Resolution 3 – Amendment relating to overseas beneficiaries – passed by majority - 90% Ae
Resolution 4 – Instructing Trustees to register amended Trust Deed – passed by majority - 98% Ae

Complete this survey whānau and be into win....

Please take a moment to share your ideas as we navigate the next steps for us as a whānau. Five members who complete the survey will win a backpack, t-shirt, cap and drink bottle.

Survey Prize Pack pic cap2

Click here to fill in the survey





Screenshot 2024 04 03 at 6.19.17 PM 

On the weekend of 26-28 April 2024, the descendants of Whakarewa will gather for Te Mātu 2024 - Hui-ā-Tau. 

We would like all whānau whānui o Ngāti Rārua me Te Ātiawa ki Motueka to join us on this special weekend of reconnecting and learning.

The most important part of the weekend is the Hui-a-tau which will be held on Saturday 27 April starting at 9.00am. As well as general business, this year you will be casting your vote on proposed amendments to the Trust Deed. Leading up to the Hui-ā-Tau, whānau will have the opportunity to discuss, consider and understand what has been proposed and why the changes are needed. We will use various platforms to engage with you on these proposed changes, watch this space.

A full two-day programme is planned with something for everyone. We have a bus tour around sites of significance, interactive workshops and our important Hui-ā-Tau including a tamariki programme.


26 28 April 2024 PANUI

 Hui-ā-Tau 2024

- Notice of Meeting, including the order of business - download here
- The Annual Report - download here
- Minutes of the 2023 Hui-ā-Tau - download here
- Overview of Proposed Deed Changes - download here
- Trust Deed highlighting the proposed changes – download here
- Trust Act 2019 - download here


View pre-recorded mini webinar (members only)

  1. An overview and introduction to the Whakarewa proposed changes of the Trust Deed. - view here
  2. Distributions to overseas based beneficiaries - view here
  3. Māoritanga - view here
  4. Trustee duties and procedures - view here
  5. Tikanga - view here
  6. Next steps - view here


Q&A webinar questions (members only)

Click here to read the Q&A webinar questions  - download here 


As always, registration and accurate numbers are essential as we plan for meals, accommodation and travel. Please make sure to visit our event page to register for Te Mātu, or email


Programme for the weekend:


Friday 26th April 2024


5.00pm - Te Āwhina Marae

Pōwhiri: Every year we look forward to seeing whānau returning to their ancestral homelands in Motueka

The pōwhiri ceremony will include kawe mate, the spiritual return of whānau who have passed away. Those who have a kawe mate, please contact the office


6.00pm - Wharekai,Te Āwhina Marae

Kai o te pō


7.00pm - Turangapeke, Te Āwhina Marae




Saturday 27th April 2024


8.15am: Te Whare Taikura o Te Mātu, Motueka High School, Whakarewa Street

Register your attendance for the Hui-ā-Tau


9.00am - 11.30am

Hui-ā-Tau | Annual General Meeting

The most important part of our weekend. Have your say to ensure your whānau is represented and connected with the business activity of the Trust and voting on the proposed Deed changes.


9.00am- 11.30am: Tamariki Programme

Venue - Te Whare Taikura o Te Mātu, High School 


12.30pm - Hākari - Wharekai, Te Āwhina Marae


 2.00 - 5.00pm: Bus trip to visit sites of significance 

6.00pm - Wharekai, Te Āwhina Marae

Kai o te pō 


7.00pm - Waiata Workshop, Te Āwhina Marae 


8.00pm - Te Āwhina Marae, Strategy discussion 


Sunday 28th April 2024


7.30am - Wharekai, Te Āwhina Marae



8.30am - 9.30am - Te Uma Service


9.30am - 10.30am - Te Uma - Strategy discussion continued


10.45am - Wharekai, Te Āwhina Marae

Kai o te ata 


11.00am-12.30pm - Te Āwhina Marae tour 


12.30pm: Wharekai, Te Āwhina Marae

Kai rānui


2pm: Poroporoaki